Install exiftool cygwin
Install exiftool cygwin

install exiftool cygwin

  • lltag and mp3info don't find a title, because the files I was using had ID3v2 tags, see the comment by How to read mp3 tags in shell?.
  • GetTitleFF() " "$file" | grep -q "$keyword" then Here is the loop I used: # sudo apt-get install ffmpeg lltag eyed3 mp3info id3v2 libimage-exiftool-perl libid3-tools id3tool

    install exiftool cygwin

    The folder had 486 files, so it became interesting to know which of the solutions mentioned here is the fastest.

    install exiftool cygwin

    I wanted to search for a keyword in all mp3 files in a folder. You can select other tags by separating them with a comma, such as format_tags=title,album. Or in order to get only the author: ffprobe -loglevel error -show_entries format_tags=artist -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 file.mp3 If you don't want other information, like track length and so on, you can combine the output with grep: ffprobe file.mp3 2>&1 | grep -A90 'Metadata:' You can also use ffprobe which is part of ffmpeg.

    Install exiftool cygwin